• Human resource development and fair performance review

    • Develop and Training Policy

      We develop employees to become a well-balanced person who has professionalism with pursuing customer satisfaction and advanced business skills as well as human skills with respecting social ethics.

      <Tera Probe’s “ABC”>
      Action… Be a proactive person who focuses on customer satisfaction and results.
      Baseline… Be a person who understands the importance of the basics and strictly comply with the rules.
      Challenge… Be a person who always pursues possibilities and aspires to grow together with the company.

    • Training program

      Training for different levels of employees
      Beginning with training for new graduates to acquire basic knowledge, attitudes, and spirits as a member of society, we provide training to acquire advanced business skills, including those for enhancement of logical thinking, grit, team management, and qualities and abilities as a business leader. We also provide training to managers at each stage of their careers to review their own management style and to strengthen their ability to train their people.

      We encourage our employees to proactively participate in training not only in-house but also outside to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for each job type and department, such as technical and administrative positions. We are addressing with improvement of our employees’ skills.

      We introduced an online video training system to provide training opportunities at anytime, anywhere, and by anyone, to continuously support our employees’ career development. Due to the active participation of each and every employees, we were honored with “the Learning Culture Award”(※)by the Learning Agency, Inc. in 2022 and 2023.
      In addition, we support up to half of the expense of the class for the language learning they take under our support program.
      ※Selected as a company which, as an organization, successfully motivated their employees to learn based on their annual rate of participation in training services.

    • Personnel system

      We set the vision that employee will grow together with us, and introduced a fair personnel system in which the growth of each employee is linked to his or her achievement.
      The system uses the competency based performance review, which clarifies “the defined objectives” and motivates our employees to develop the specified goals.
      We semi-annually conduct such performance review during which employees receive feedback and advice from, and discuss further expectation and goals for the next term with, their supervisor.

  • Work-life balance

    • We will always be a company supporting its employees with various leaves, work from home and flexible working-time to facilitate them to balance between their career development and family life and to do well at work.

    • Leave / vacation program

      We grant our employees with 5 days special leave as “Family-Friendly Leave” as well as 20 days annual paid leave each year, regardless of their seniority.
      Family-Friendly Leave can be taken for hospital visits, nursing care for family, school events, or volunteer activities.
      Refresh Leave is also granted to employees for every 10 years of their service.

    • Work from home

      We are promoting the realization of diverse and flexible work styles of our employees by encouragement of their work-life balance and productivity.
      Work from home has not only prevented any interruption of our business due to the spread of the COVID-19, but also expanded new ways of working which help employees caring their children and family to balance work and family life.

    • Cafeteria plan

      We grant our employees with free choice of benefits to suit their lifestyle
      with a limit of 40,000 yen per year for those expenses of family trip, camping, homecoming trip, diapers for children, and their hospital visits, etc.

    • Third party evaluation

      We were certified as a “Bright Company” (※1) by Kumamoto Prefecture in 2018 and as a “Yokohama Good Balance Award” (※2) by Yokohama City in 2022 in recognition of our efforts.
      ※1: Certified by Kumamoto Prefecture as a company where its workers can keep working actively and brilliantly with peace of mind.
      ※2: Certified by Yokohama City as a company that actively approaches in creating the workplace environment where everyone can work comfortably to promote women’s successful activities and work-life balance.


  • Occupational Health and Safety Activities

    • Occupational Health and Safety Policy

      Basic Idea
      We will actively engage in activities for occupational health and safety to secure our workplace safety, to enhance and maintain workers’ physical and mental health, and to manage occupational health and safety risks to improve sound occupational health and safety.

      Guidelines for action
      〔Preventive measures〕
      We will identify occupational health and safety risks, assess the sources of risk, plan the necessary management, eliminate the sources of risk, and strive to prevent the risks and continuously improve it to prevent workers from injuries, and physical and mental illnesses, associated with our business activities.

      〔Compliance with laws and regulations〕
      We will comply with laws, regulations and the other requirements agreed by us related to occupational health and safety, and set and manage our own management standards.

      〔Continuous Improvement〕
      We will continuously improve our management and performance to achieve occupational health and safety objectives, and periodically review the suitability, appropriateness, and effectiveness of our occupational health and safety activities.

      〔Consultation and Participation〕
      We will strive to raise all workers’ awareness of occupational health and safety by actively providing training and resources as well as facilitating communication (consultation and participation) among all workers for occupational health and safety.

      〔Publication of policy〕
      The Occupational Health and Safety Policy shall be made known to all of our employees and publicly disclosed outside as needed.

    • Training for Occupational Health and Safety

      We strive to create a safe and secure workplace by regularly providing occupational health and safety training, preventing occupational accidents, and raising awareness of health and safety.
      Occupational health and safety training is provided to all employees, both company-wide and at each site, through e-learning, with themes set each year.

      In FY2023:
      Learning about occupational health and safety, Basics of reading GHS labels, mental health, fall prevention education, and firefighting related topics

    • Firefighting and BCP training

      We establish a BCP※ system to ensure a safety of employees, prevent a spread of damage, and achieve an early recovery in preparation for disasters and accidents that may occur at our business sites.
      ※Business Continuity Plan

      In FY2023:
      Confirmation of evacuation routes, location of fire extinguishers and AEDs;
      Training on serving meals using stockpiles, using a stretcher for transportation, and using a water fire extinguisher.